For some reason these delight me. I didn't collect these fortune cookie fortunes but that doesn't stop me from providing commentary.

You are getting very sleepy... You want to call a travel agent... You want to upgrade to first class...
They're rare migratory rubber bands, returning to their nesting grounds in the desk drawer...
Oh, now you're just toying with me....
Can I have this cake AND eat it too?

Does that mean the restaurant messed up our orders?

That's a relief. I've been so worried about whether my roses were reaching their potential...

The possibilities are endless, but I'm going to say "puppet strings", for $500, Alex.
(Disclaimer: I say that only because it's funny, not because I actually believe it. My husband is much more capable than I am in most areas.)
I've always been a slow haster... I just can't help it. It's hereditary on my father's side.
Mint circles??? What the...
And here I thought the moonlight was just naturally prompt..

This day just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it!!

Oh, good, because I was just thinking about my thoughts and wondered if I was feeling my feelings....
Dang it! Now what do I do??

Let this be a warning to you, kids... Confucius and M.C. Hammer should not hang out together, no matter what you've been told!

Great! There go my plans for the day! Tomorrow is another day! What about kissing on the trunk? Is that permissible?

I'm batting 1000 today... My height is tall, my awareness is aware, my sensitivities are sensitive. It's a good day to be me!

Am I the only one blushing here? Isn't that kinda of personal??

Now I have to add "sparking eyeballs" to my list of "Things that May Cause Spontaneous Combustion"! Great! Stop, drop and roll, people... Stop, drop and roll...

Did he now.... did he really say that?

And YOU are Captain Obvious! Congratulations!
I think I have a new dream job to aim for....writing fortunes. This would have to be the funnest job ever. You could put whatever you wanted in these little cookies and there is alway going to be a few that take it literally. I think I would find great joy in this. Thanks for the laugh.
And your lucky numbers are, 17, 14, anything in the 40's, most of the 30's, the leter "M" and the Children's Television Workshop.
i always get the ones that say things like "your emotions are strong and emotional". blah. i always wish for a good fortune and never get one. back to praying i guess. haha. anyway, thanks for the laugh! those were great.
p.s. did you name your puppy? did i miss it?
Let this be a warning to you, kids... Confucius and M.C. Hammer should not hang out together, no matter what you've been told!
This one cracks me up. You are comedy.
Hilarious! This has made me more aware of my growing awareness. Thanks!!
This is replete with awesomeness!
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