Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Pray for Sadie

Those of you who have been reading this for a bit know who Kohl is. Sadie is his little cousin.

She just turned five. This info is from the blog her parents are writing about her;

We received the heartbreaking news on Monday, March 3, that our sweet Sadie has brain cancer. In just this last week she had been complaining of headaches here and there, and would hold her neck when she would have these headaches. This "headache" would only last for seconds, but was enough to catch our attention. We had also noticed some changes in her speech and her balance when she walked. It seemed more pronounced over the weekend, so we took her to the doctor that Monday. After some different questions and checks, he ordered a CT scan of her brain/spine at Primary Childrens. We
headed up there, she did the scan, and they found a mass on her brain.

Later that night they did an MRI for more details, and through this test it was concluded she has what is called a high grade glioma tumor on her brain stem. Because of the sensitivity of the area, (the brain stem controls functions like mobility, speech, vision, respiratory, etc), and as the tumor has intertwined itself to the brain stem, surgery isn't an
option, and getting a biopsy to find out more about the tumor isn't an option.

They concluded it was malignant as one portion of the tumor seems to be moving more aggressively, and tissue around this area shows dead spots (called necrosis). So she has most likely has the tumor for awhile, but only now is having symptoms as a part of it has become more aggressive.

You can keep an eye on Sadie's progress here


Perla said...

oh my gosh. this is horrific. i will definitely pray for this family that somehow they will be able to have the spirit to give them peace. i can't imagine what a nightmare.

Princess Heather said...

My prayers are with this family as well. Little Ashley Peterson, who is mentioned in that blog excerpt, was in my ward. And this last week as I talked to various people who are close to their family, I am amazed at how much faith this family has at such a sad time.

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry to hear the news. Our son JJ had a DIPG and if there is anything we can do, please don't hesitate to contact us. We also created a web site that we hope to be benificial to other parents. Please visit www.icouldbeyourchild.org.


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