Saturday, June 28, 2008

Giving Thanks

I didn't properly thank all the people that helped us in the last little while.

We're grateful to Amanda and Michelle and their respective families for taking care of our puppies while we flew off to far-flung places to meet our children.

We're so thankful to the dear friends who gave us money to give to the Orphanage. They were able to buy medication they wouldn't have had otherwise.

Without Trudi and Garrett, we might not have been able to make this last trip and there's no doubt in my mind that we wouldn't be adopting Jessica as well if we hadn't gone when we did. They gave us their skymiles and bought a ticket to Haiti for us. We will be eternally grateful - as a family - for that.

Michelle - who clothed our daughter and had diapers and medicine when we suddenly had 2 children on Thursday. Thank you, friend. We wouldn't have felt like we could bring her back to the hotel with us without you and your generosity. We're so grateful we had that opportunity to see them play together and make Jessica part of our family.

And the prayers - we can't say enough about what prayer can do. Sometimes you have to pray that the next appropriate person in this long line of processing will have the DESIRE to ACT on your paperwork today. Help us get them home. Thank you for including us in your prayers and thoughts.

1 comment:

mlg said...

You were equally there for me as well! I'd do anything for you guys!

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