Monday, April 14, 2008

Good Stuff

Brent. Adoption. Lexi, Nathan and Malot. Spring. Best friends. Good nicknames. The toll sticker that lets me drive to downtown in the Express Lane each day. Finishing something. Getting updates from Haiti. The Book of Mormon. Rain when the sun shines. Grape flavored things that taste like they smell. Finding money in your pocket. Digital cameras. A good book. Families. Music. Fruit Leather. Utah's mountains. International friends. Inside jokes. The Muppet Show. Heroes. Onomatopoeia. America. Modern medicine. Having employment. Air Conditioning. Little kid stories. A puppy's exuberance. Freedom. Memories. A husband who can do anything. Understanding. Hard work. The big picture. Having people post comments on your blog. Dreams where it suddenly makes perfect sense that you're... oh, say... a dental hygienist on roller skates. Laughing so hard your sides hurt.


Anonymous said...

Great list!! By just reading this list you can't help but smile!

Melissa said...

I would have to agree, good things, good things.

Sally said...

Oh, the Muppet Show. One of the truly funniest shows ever, and it was marketed to kids. Go figure. They never laughed half as hard as Troy and I do. Troy does a spot on impression of Sam the American Eagle, but you probably know that. :)

Perla said...

i'm so happy that i have the chance to catch up on several posts! i can't remember what happened to me but i've been out of the loop a bit. and i must say, that i also think that onomatopoeia is awesome and i'm amazed that you can spell it.

Lori said...

Tom, It's so good to see your name popup in the comments. Thanks for checking in on us.

Sal, I'd forgotten about that! Troy is a man of many skills! I love that Jim Henson's stuff gets funnier when you get older!

And Perla, it's amazing what I can spell with a little help from :)

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