By way of background, Z is pregnant. She also has a dog named "Bug". But Bug also answers to ALL of the following names:
Buglas McArthur
Chin Chin (that's her "panda name" - because every black and white dog needs a panda name)
Fatty Patty Steve
Yes, she really will come if you call her General Buglas McArthur. I think it's awesome.
So here's her post. Enjoy!
This post is about a Rat Terrier who is lovingly nicknamed Fatty Patty Steve. She ate a bag of Reeses Pieces yesterday. Not a normal size bag you buy in the checkout at the grocery store - she ate a good portion of the "I'm cheating on my wife, Jenny Craig, with a mistress named Reese's" gluttony size bag. Then barfed said contents of bag all over me and the bed. I know I have a warped sense of humor but I thought the whole situation was HILARIOUS! A quick shower and 2 loads of laundry cleaned up the mess but Louise was still sick. She was up most of the night puking (in the backyard) and laying in a heap on my lap. Moaning.
Between Barfy the Amazing Vomit Dog, a 25 week old fetus with tiny fists of fury, and heartburn that could choke a Marine... I didn't get much sleep.
If only I could teach my dog how to do this:

I think someone should make bumper stickers that say:
I'm cheating on my wife, Jenny Craig, with a mistress named Reese's.
ahhh poor Fatty Patty Steve and family. You have a wonderful family! Thanks for the laugh. Great big hug~ Mare
pretty much the funniest thing I have ever read!
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