It's been an amazing day for another reason. If you haven't read the blog post from November 27th called "KohlBabySweetStars" you'll want to read that before you finish this. I received the following email today from Kohl's mommy, Clarissa:
"I just thought you would like to know that I was having a conversation with Kohl this morning about this little black boy that he says, "lives really far away".
"Him is 4 yrs. old like me", and "him has no hair". He also apparently eats lots of "ice cream".
"Him has a baby sister", and she has no hair, and she is "really little".
"He was a great boy." said Kohl.
Well, I had your blog pulled up because I was reading it, and I pulled Kohl up on my lap to show him the picture of Lexi and Nathan. He said with real, sincere excitement, "Hey, that's the girl I saw with no hair!" (meaning Nathan)
I thought that was really cool. And Kohl has been known for getting boys and girls confused based on their hair. (for example, the little boy from Jungle Book......Kohl thinks he is a girl because he has long hair)
I honestly think Kohl knew Lexi from Heaven. I thought you would enjoy that.
I do believe that children are closer to God than the rest of us (thus "out of the mouths of babes"). I also believe these are OUR kids. We just knew when we saw their pictures. They were the first referral we received and we really didn't ned to go any further. We've moved pretty confidently forward since we found them, with the feeling that this was right and it would all work out in the end.
Thank you again, KohlBabySweetStars, for reminding me to LISTEN and for being sure about what you know. I'm so excited for you, BabyPrincessPaige and Lexi and Nathan to play together.
Let's hope that it's not in 2 years ('cause that's when she'll be "4 years old like you")!
(Kohl in 2005 wearing some PJs I brought back for him from Singapore. He's such a cute little bug!)