Monday, December 17, 2007

Status Quo

Well, with the help of my brothers and mom, I've been able to repost many of my lost posts. Sorry that they're out of order now, but at least some of them are restored.

Brent's in the hospital today. He's got the kidney stone from...Cleveland. We've been to the ER three times today and, as they, three strikes and you're IN - the hospital, that is. Since they can't get his pain under control they've admitted him and he'll be staying overnight. He's in so much pain. It's horrible to see him like this. We don't know what's going to happen at this point. The urologists are coming to do rounds in the morning and there's been talk about perhaps trying to get him in for a lithotripsy this week.

Ironically, it was nearly a year ago today that we started Kidney Stone 2006. For those of you that didn't get the T-shirts... too bad. That ordeal extended over 4 weeks, involved 6 trips to the ER and one to InstaCare and 2 surgeries before he was finally able to divorce himself from that stone.

Given that we're supposed to be leaving for Haiti in THREE WEEKS, we can't afford for this one to go like that. He has to be better. He's not going to get on a plane to a 3rd world country in pain like this.

I'm also in the process of changing jobs. I'm been at my current employer for over 9 years and have found another opportunity that I'm going to take. However, this is a lousy time for me to be out. If you don't believe me, just ask the guy that I'm supposed to be training to replace me. Sorry, Eric!

Here's to hoping that THIS, too, shall pass. And soon.


Lacy said...

Lori and Brent, Sorry to hear about Brent. I thought i had kidney stones bad but he has me bet by far. You Tell Brent to get better.
I am so excited for you and Brent. i can't wait to hear all the exciting news that you will bring home. Good Luck to you and give those babies a kiss for me. You two are the best! You will be great parents and I can't wait until that day comes. I am praying for both of you. Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful trip.

Lori said...

Thank you, Lacy! We appreciate you. Brent's doing a lot better and we hope he'll be doing better soon. We'll definitely keep you posted.

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