Saturday, September 20, 2008

What Are the Odds?

Last week I had a doctor's appointment. In the waiting room, I saw the wife of a friend that I worked with at my last job. She was there with their new baby boy.

As I visited with her, she said that they'd named him "Easton". I commented that I'd heard that name as a last name, but not heard it used as a first name before.

SERIOUSLY, as soon as I said that the lights in the waiting room flicked off. I hear a mom from across the room yell, "Easton! Turn those lights back on right now! Easton!! I'm not kidding! Easton! Turn them back on!"

The lights came on and my friend and I looked at each other.... maybe it wasn't as unusual as we both thought. :)


Maggie said...

Just when you believe you've come up with something different - so there won't be a half dozen kids in your child's kindergarten class with the same name...

The Brown's said...

I really like the name Easton. But you are totally right once you use the name it pops up all over the place!

Lynnae said...

Easton is the name of a little town on the EAST side of Snoqualmie Summit on I-90 in Washington State. I've been told that many years ago, there was a little town called Weston on the WEST side of Snoqualmie Summit! So I think I would not use the name Weston for a child either.


Anonymous said...

Our next door neighbors decided to name all of their children using the first name of the dad. His name is Kasey, so the first son is Kasey, the daughter is Amanda, next comes Stephen, then (you guessed it) Easton, then Yeager (of all things!), then they had one more that they named Ryan. There last name starts with an "R". People are Wierd!!! BTW, I had a preschooler named Weston!

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