We were notified that this new step they've added (where now our papers have to go to the presidential palace for the President's review and signature) can take up to.... months.
Yes, Months....
It depresses me because if the judge had been faster signing the paper for Malot, we could have had our papers submitted to IBESR before they made this new ruling to say that now we have this additional step.
It frustrates me because it used to be that only those couples who hadn't been married at least 10 years, were under 35 or had biological children had to have this additional step. We meet all of those criteria. But rules change.
It seems we're destined to get the long road in everything.
If you look on the right side of our blog, there's a section called "Why Does This Take So Long?" You can see where we are in the process and the approximate length of all the steps we have left.
Why does this take so long?

Because it does.

We'll see our children again in 31 days. And we'll have a lovely week parenting them and loving them and bonding with them. And then we'll come home with empty arms and full hearts and continue to wait for the next approved visit.
Given the hurricanes and devastation in Haiti right now, I don't think that the president is going to be getting to our paperwork any time soon. We need prayers that the individual people who need to work on our specific childrens' files will be motivated to help move these papers forward.
And we need hope.
prayers are coming your way right this minute--prayers for you to have hope and courage--prayers for m & j to be protected and happy--prayers that angels will minister to them and to you--prayers that angels will pick up that paperwork and move it!
p.s. thanks for that hilarious and heartbreaking comic. where did that come from? i have got to send that to some friends. who created it?
Love the funny comic strip. Where did you get that?
Well, as frustrating as this whole process is, at least your children are safe, and you can say that you are on the 4th step instead of at the beginning. We are praying for you.
That comic is funny by the way. =)
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