I learned something FASCINATING this last week on the radio. Apparently, there is a segment of the population of this great country who believe that if someone in your household has asthma you should get a chihuahua.
Yes, a chihuahua.
There are many questions that arise when I think about this line of logic. For starters, it seems like a very MEAN thing to do to the poor, unsuspecting dog! It seems rather vicious. Secondly, if you were going to believe that a dog had the ability to absorb your asthma why wouldn't you pick a dog with a greater lung capacity than the noble chihuahua? I mean, imagine what a MASTIFF could do in the same circumstances.
Check out those nostrils! He should be able to cure a fleet of sick asthmatics!
But really, aren't chihuahuas kinda wheezy dogs anyway? I suspect it has less to do with asthma absorption and more to do with inherent tiny nasal passages, but what do I know??
And I can say I'm very glad my friend, Michelle, uses an inhaler rather than a chihuahua to treat her asthma....
No offense intended to any noble, self-sacrificing chihuahuas that may be among my readership! May you and all your people breathe happily ever after!
Yeah I wont be getting a chihuahua anytime soon!
Spindleshanks (my chihuahua) hyperventilates when something exciting happens. Like when we wake-up in the morning or make eye contact with him or someone says the phrase "pecan pie". I have no idea why he freaks over pecan pie but every time he gets so excited he forgets to breathe.
P.S. is that chihuahua dressed as a bee or Charlie Brown?
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