Thursday, August 14, 2008

Goin' Back to Haiti and We're Gonna Hug our Kids....

October 12th we'll be leaving on a jet plane. Another blessed week with our babies. I'm hoping Jessi will be able to play with us this time. Maybe do a little bit of "chase" with Daddy. Some ball toss with Malot. Lots of tickling. A chance for Momma to stretch her limited Creole vocabulary. A chance for Daddy to take his basketball shoes to Haiti and be SCHOOLED in the game by our fine waiter, Vladimir.

A week of baths and playing in the pool and feeding them all they can eat and snuggling for naps, and dressing them and doing their hair and lovinglovinglovingloving them.

Malot, I wonder if you'll be excited to see us or if you'll be stressed and nervous since you know now that we leave at the end of the fabulous week. I wonder if they'll tell you that we're coming. And if you ll be as anxious as we are. I wonder if you think of us and wonder where Momma is. Do you wonder if we're coming back?

Will you recognize us? I wonder if i said, 'Bay-bee" in that special way I reserved for you if you would know my voice.

Are you happy and healthy? Are you sleeping well.

We're getting a teacher for you soon, baby! She's going to start in September. Then you'll be able to have something to do during the day and you can learn and grow.

I wonder if you know how much we love you and Jessi. Please, baby, come home soon.


mlg said...

It's sad how we are living our lives from one Haiti trip to the other dreaming of the day when....

Rachael said...

Wonderful news! Then you will have so many more pictures to share with us all. :)

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