Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"...You're the Only Thing In Every Room You're Ever In..."

I've decided that the Pinewood Derby is a force of nature. I don't know what else could have put a smile THAT BIG on B's face, plus allowed Brent to use his propane torch AND his belt sander while helping B make his car. Good times, good times....

I haven't seen B for a couple of days. I'm starting to get worried about him. I'm sure it's just because it's colder outside so he's not out as much. How creepy is it if the 36 yr old goes over to see if the 8 yr old can play?

To be honest, B's basically a latchkey kid so no one would know if I went by to check on him anyway. I know - insane to leave an 8 year old home alone. Don't get me started. But it's unfortunately not illegal in this state. I've checked. Turns out most states don't have a minimum legal age kids must reach before they can be left home alone. In case you were wondering (which I'm sure you weren't) I also learned that in New Zealand a child must be FOURTEEN before they can be legally left home alone. Doesn't that seem a bit much?? I'm guessing that's exactly the reason most of our United States haven't "laid down the law" on that one. There's no way to make people happy, with or without a law like that. People can be so difficult.

We're down to single digits until our trip to see our kids again. 9 more days... This trip will make one year since we were reunited with our Nathan last October. Remember this:
Another year gone and no end in sight.

I hope my babies know that, for their momma and their poppa, they are the only thing. They're it. Our hearts, our lives, our souls... they're in an orphanage in Haiti with them. I feel like we'll get the "rest of us" back next weekend, when we see these little people again.

We're coming....


Lisa said...

I can't wait to see your pics from this trip! I'm really excited for you, I know what an amazing feeling it is to think about it being only days until you hold and kiss those precious babies!

The Brown's said...

such sweet pictures they make me get this lump in my throat! So happy that you get to go see your babies. Hope you have the most amazing time ever:)

David and Candice said...

Those are some very sweet pictures:) Well I hope next october your not on the trip but home with those sweet babies finger painting palying cars and dolls:) see you guys real soon!!-Candice

mlg said...

Yes we are coming and it will be so great to see all the kids and I can remember last Oct that was a great day!

Teri said...

I'm so excited for you to go see your kids! And I would totally go over and see if B can play. I bet he misses you!

Perla said...

that photo of you seeing nathan in brent's arms makes me cry every time i see it. i try not to feel angry, too, that things aren't as i think they should be and remember that the lord has a plan and people have agency and all of those things. i know what i feel is only a fraction of what you feel. maybe some of my old feelings surface, too, in remembrance. anyway, lots of prayers your way.

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