Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Other Children

If you missed the ABC News Nightline story last night on child slavery in Haiti, please, please take a few minutes and go to the link below and watch the video. There are 4 parts - you can navigate between them at the bottom of the article.

A reporter decides to see how long it will take him to buy a child in Haiti. The results are truly shocking. You can see good images of what Haiti looks like - how beautiful the people are, how lovely the mountains are, how desperate the country is.

I'm so grateful that our little ones are safe in an orphanage. I am so eternally thankful that their mothers were able to put them in an orphanage so that they could have a better chance. We don't realize how lucky we are.


mlg said...

Hey, I hope you don't mind I just copied your blog and pasted it to mine.

Rachael said...

Oh Lori - that was one of the most painful things I've ever watched. Law-abiding citizen that I am - however I wish I had the means to go buy up as many children as possible and just get them out of there.

Have you thought that perhaps the week you spent with Lexi and Nathan might have some influence for them further down the road should this be one of the trials - heaven forbid - they might come across? I still think there was purpose in what you and Brent did.

Rachael said...

Hey Lori - one other thing. We're coming to Utah end of July and staying with Shayne and Lea - would love to meet you and have you meet my Big Guy. Wish Malot was with you so the two of them could play.

Maggie said...

words do not begin to describe the sick, disgusting feeling these videos bring. Heartbreaking beyond belief.

I will send this link to everyone I can think of...awareness alone won't fix the problem, but nothing will happen if people do not know.

We do not even begin to see how good we have it in this country.

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